Frequently Asked Questions
Product information
Yes! Portland Ketchup, Portland Mustard and Portland Worcestershire are Oregon Tilth Certified Organic, vegan and gluten-free.
Nope. The natural acidity in our products allows for shelf stability. However, stability after opening will be affected by storage conditions. See the packaging for safe handling on specific Portlandia Foods products.
You want to put your photo on the bottle? Right on! We’re excited to see what you share! Head on over to share your photo and follow the on-screen instructions.
Not a chance. Our core mission is to provide healthier alternatives to everyday foods. Those types of ingredients fly in the face of that. With our products, you can rest easy knowing you will never find high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), sodium benzoate, any artificial sweeteners. Perhaps it would be easier to say, we create products with ingredients as close to their original natural state as possible.
Our ketchup stays fresh for 2-years. Also, if you’re every wondering, all of our products have the expiration date printed on the side of the bottle. That way, you always know how fresh it is before using it on your foods.
Retail locations
Check out our Locations page for the most up-to-date compilation of current stores and restaurants selling and serving Portlandia Foods condiments.
- For purchasing directly from us visit our online store.
- For bulk purchase inquiries contact us.
- Know of a local store or restaurant that you’d like to see carry our products? Let them know your thoughts. We rely on people like you to help spread the word of our healthy organic products!
- If you happen to come across one of our products not listed on our Locations page we’d be very much obliged to you if you’d let us know!
Purchasing online
It takes us about 24-48 hours to process your order and ship it out the door. From that point, depending on your location it could take up to a week to arrive.
We ship anywhere in the USA except to P.O. boxes.
It takes us about 24-48 hours to process an order. If a mistake happens, please contact us right away because once your package is in the mail no changes can be made.
If your item has been cracked or tampered with, do not hesitate to contact us about a return.
Portlandia Foods uses BrainTree for payments (a Paypal company). BrainTree automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to ours using Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 256-bits. This is the highest level of encryption that is commercially available.
- Credit Cards (including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express)
- PayPal